patchwork satellite

recycled space junk

old dog learns one weird trick


I am learning CSS and WordPress theme-omancy, finally. So while my aesthetic remains “what if the 80s and 90s got drunk and had a fight in a bowling alley,” at least I’m not still coding like it’s 1999.

Not all of the page templates are done yet, so please excuse the absolute state of the galleries, etc., until I’ve dragged them kicking and screaming into 2019. Also please ignore any kicking and screaming noises you might hear from the backend. (That’s just me trying to catch up on 20+ years’ worth of webdesign innovation with a text editor and a lot of trial and error.)

spring memeing

I dunno, make up your own cutesy spring-cleaning-themed blog post title, I guess? I got nothin’.

DIY puns aside, a few things that were previously borked on here should be more or less unborkified now. Galleries are updated and I fixed some broken links on the fan pages (someday I will learn how to code without falling back on circa-1999 jury-rigged amateur text editor HTML, but today is not that day and tomorrow is probably not it either).


inktober gallery tag
I did a story-themed Inktober this year and posted some of the less cringey ones in the cast iron gallery, along with some other sketches and fan arts that I forgot to post earlier. :B

Also, in light of Spadenet changing web hosts, I did some dusting of cobwebs around here and tried to get rid of any inactive/broken linkage I found. To the great relief of your eyes, probably, it looks like the old minigallery box is defunct, so the archive of hideous pre-2006 drawings is offline until I decide to inflict it on the world again. But you’re safe from seeing my questionable juvenile scribblage … for now. *spoopy haunted house music*

Commissions and Redbubble swag are still available in case you’re starting holiday shoppin’ early, BTW.

It came from the 1990s. D:

Found some of my embarrassing childhood drawings while sorting through junk from the attic. Made an Archive folder in the old mini-gallery. View at your own risk. D:

Oh, there’s some new-ish stuff in the WordPress galleries, too.

2009 archive of updates

Site updates for the year 2009 can be found on the old blog.

Old artwork from 2002-2009 here.